
When was the last time you talked about yourself?
...I mean really talked about yourself? Without anyone else interrupting you to tell you about their experience? Without any unwanted advice? Without feeling guilty for taking up someone else’s time?
Welcome to counselling.
The counselling experience is as unique as the people who seek it. But in short, counselling provides a space for you to be able to talk - about the things that you need to talk about - and be heard.
We all have pain in our lives. Whether that’s grief over past experiences or more current issues, counselling can enable you to explore the things you want to speak about. And even some you never thought you could.
The short articles in the blog page Counsel can tell you more…
… but first, some words about how the counselling I offer has been altered – like much else – by world and personal events.
In March 2020, my practice (like so many others') moved from a lovely cosy room to being fully online. So far, it has stayed there.
There are some obvious disadvantages to this; many of us now recognise the lack of intimacy we experience through separation from others. Some are concerned that working online will reproduce this in their counselling.
A less obvious challenge for some clients has been finding a private space to talk freely while at home. While I can offer that where I am, I can do nothing to protect your privacy where you are.
There are also, however, some distinct advantages to working online. The main one is obvious; we can continue to have counselling sessions without the risk of transmitting Covid between us.
Many who were sceptical about working online to start with have found that they quickly forgot about the screen – and miles of space – between us. Some have even reported finding it easier to talk.
And working online means that access is now available to anyone who has use of a computer, or even a smartphone, wherever you live in UK.
Like many counsellors I try to keep fees to a minimum, and I offer low rates for those who are not paid well themselves. We can discuss this at your first appointment if it is relevant to your situation.
Initial session: Up to 50 minutes – Free
Standard fee: 50 minutes – £45
Concessions: 50 minutes – £25-£40 (Negotiable)